Thursday, November 03, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 3

I started out posting these on my Facebook, but have decide to post them here from now on. I did a similar blog challenge a few years back and it really made me think about and count my blessings. November just seems the perfect month to take the time and reflection on them again this year.

Today I am thankful for precious time spent with my husband's grandma. We are very close and I don't just think of her as just an in-law. When I came into my husband's life 12 years ago Grandma Rosie became my grandma too.

I have always felt comfortable and welcome in her home. Some of my favorite times together are evenings spent just the two of us enjoying dinner and visiting as we watch TV together, like we have done tonight.

Unfortunately due to difficult and personal circumstances I no longer have a close relationship with my only living biological grandmother, so it is comforting to know I have Grandma Rosie in my life to share her wisdom, advice and share her lifetime of knowledge with me.

God not only blessed me with a wonderful husband he also fulfilled my desire that the person who became my husband also have a wonderful, loving family who would love and accept me. Grandma Rosie is just one of those special in-laws and I am so lucky to have her in my life.

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