Saturday, July 02, 2011

I've Dusted Off My Old Blog and Freshened It Up with a New Look & Name

For quite some time now I've had the desire to clean up my blog a bit, give it a new look and a new focus.  It has needed revamping and new life for quite some time now and I've become inspired by so many of the creative crafting and home making blogs that I follow.  I long to be as creative and inspirational as some of the amazing creative ladies out there in blog land.

So today in between printing the gazillion pieces for wedding invitations I am making for my cousins wedding I decided I would use the wait time (since I couldn't stray far from my computer and printer) by refreshing the look of my blog.

I have brightened it up a bit with some of my very favorite colors, pink and lime green, and I have even given my blog a new name, something a little easier to remember.  So, say goodbye to Cathy's Thoughts About Nothing in Particular and say hello to Cathy's Corner.  I have also added tabs at the top of the page so that blog posts about certain subjects, such as recipes, paper crafting, and card making are easier for you to find all in one location.

I look forward to posting lots of new and exciting content soon.  I hope you enjoy the new look.  I would love to hear what you think.  Feel free to post a comment.

I'll be back soon, perhaps with a lovely tutorial on making wedding invitations, a great summer recipe, and more. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. How exciting Cathy! I look forward to seeing what you have to share. It looks great so far. =)
