Here is to saying goodbye to 2008 and welcome 2009.
I have great hope and confidence that 2009 is going to be an improvement from the year that just passed. It's up to me to make it that way. It's up to me to see my life's cup as half full rather than half empty, as I did much of this past year. Yes, the economy is in the dumpster and things might not be easy. However, I am vowing to take what God has given my husband and I and learn how to make it work for us, both financial and otherwise.
I know this will not be an easy goal for me, but I have to give it a valiant effort. I've spent way to much time the past year feeling sorry for myself and all the things I don't have rather than embracing all the wonderful blessings in my life. I'm making it a goal this year to recognize daily that I cannot change the actions and thoughts of others, but what I can change is how I react to those actions and thoughts.
There were a lot of events that didn't go as I would have liked or planned for this past year. I've decided looking back that a lot of what went wrong in 2008 in my life, really wasn't as bad as I felt it was at the time. Yes, a lot went wrong and not as planned, but it was the way I chose to look at each of those events that made them seem so much worse.
I chose the negative view rather than seeing the positive in each situation. Believe me there were some events that took place in my life this past year that it would have been hard to find positive aspects in them, but I know each and every one of them had some sort of positive learning experience mixed in with the negative. I can see that I have changed as a person because of those events and my view on them. I don't like many of the ways I've seen myself change. I don't care for this person I have become in the past year. I know there is a much better person inside this body, and I haven't exactly let that person shine through in the past year. I've been a difficult person for my husband to live with and my family to be around.
I know all the things I don't like about myself are mind over matter. It's up to me to make changes to become the person I want to be. So this year I am focusing on myself. I'm going to focus on taking care of myself and my health. Unless it is my husband, I want to come to realize that other people's problems and issues are not my own. As far as my physical health goes, I don't have any great schemes to loose a ton of weight and start exercising 5 days a week. I know better. I just want to better take care of this body God has put me in. I want to know I am doing the best I possibly can with my body to reach my ultimate life's goals. I'm going to allow myself time for weekly self-enrichment without guilt. I now have a craft/scrap room and I plan to put it to good use. I want to learn to simplify my surroundings, to schedule errands and tasks daily and be able to get things done and find important papers, etc. without stress and worry. Most of all, my goal is to be a better wife to my husband, to do my part to make his life more enjoyable too!
So, raise your glass and toast me as I make 2009 the year of improving and liking myself more than I do right now!
Here's cheers to you Cathy! I hope it is a great year for you!! :O)
ReplyDeleteCheers - I think you did a great job on your goals - best of luck to you!