Saturday, November 29, 2008

Nov. 29, 2008 - Gratitude Post Challenge Day 28

Today I am so thankful that my brother-in-law Chris has found a special girl to share his life with. He met his current girlfriend, Janet, in August or September and they have been dating ever since.

She is wonderful for him and all of us in the family really enjoy her company and having her as part of our family. I have seen so many changes for the better in my BIL since he started dating Janet. He is so much more happy now than he has been in a long, long time. He is showing a much more polite and caring side now too, not just to his girlfriend, but to everyone. There were times in the past when it was really stressful to be around Chris because of his sometimes grumpy attitude, now it is actually a pleasure to be in his company.

Janet is good for him too because she stands up to him and keeps him in line. LOL I think they are a perfect fit for each other. There is no telling what the future will hold, I know that, but I also know that they both really care about each other and I couldn't be happier for Chris. He tells me that he plans to keep her around for a long, long time and that she has expressed that she feels the same way. I certainly hope that is true, because I really have enjoyed the times I've spent getting to know Janet and I look forward to getting to know her even better as time goes by. I also have always hoped that someday in my life I would have a sister-in-law, and I think that when and if the time is right for that to happen Janet would make a good one.

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