Sunday, August 13, 2006

Blog Challenge: Color – Whatever You Do, Don’t Color My Life in Black & White

Note: This is my blog in response to a new weekly blog challenge that was started on by Cowtown Stacy. This is the first week of the challenge. Each week we are going to be given a new topic and challenged to blog about that topic. I look forward to working on each new challenge after it is posted each Sunday.

I have always seen myself as an artistic person ever since I was very little, so for me seeing and picking out color has always been interesting, fun, and important to me. I was the kind of kid that always wanted to have the biggest box of Crayola Crayons they sold. I didn’t want to be limited to coloring in my color books with just 5 or 6 different colors. I wanted choices, and lots of them. After all sometimes navy blue just won’t do it. When you want to color a daylight sky, you need sky blue.

I LOVE colors, and for the most part that includes all colors, I really am not all that picky when it comes to color. It is amazing to me to realize that we are surrounded by quite possibly millions of colors everyday because of different shades, different tints, and different hues and that each one of those colors can evoke a different feeling, mood, or mind set within all of us. I usually find myself drawn to wearing bright, happy color hues like deep red and fuchsia pink, but my color interests also tend to change with the seasons.

For instance, I absolutely cannot wait for fall to arrive, but not just because of the cooler crisp weather and the upcoming holidays. I absolutely LOVE the colors of fall. For me, the colors of fall awaken my soul. They bring me to life. There is something about being surrounded by the hues of burnt orange, deep purple, sunflower yellow, rust and brown that renews my spirit and brings out energy in me that I can’t explain. Ah, it gives me energy now just thinking about looking forward to the fall colors! I can’t wait!

Come winter, I am ready to give up those beautiful fall colors to surround myself with the colors of winter and Christmas. During that time of year I love to surround myself with shades of forest green, royal blue, cranberry red, and silver or gold. It is always such a joy for me to dig out our boxes of Christmas decorations come December and then proceed to transform our house into a Christmas wonderland with decorations in all of these beautiful shades.

By spring, as the weather warms up and the flowers start popping out of the ground I am ready to surround myself with beautiful pastel shades of pink, yellow, mint green, and baby blue. I think these shades of color seem to mellow me out a bit. I still love my bright colors in the spring too, don’t get me wrong, but it just seems right to tone things down a bit in the spring. Maybe it is because spring has always been known as the season of rebirth. Think about it, in the spring the flowers start to bloom again, the animals start having their babies, there are so many things start anew. What do I think of when I think new babies and flowers? I think pastel.

I think that summertime is the only time of year that I tend to be all over the rainbow when it comes to picking a favorite color of the moment. During the summer I could be in the mood for wearing a teal blue one day, and the next day I am ready to wear bright orange.

It really does all depend on my mood at the moment and the feelings of the season. Today I was in the mood for brown. Tomorrow, who knows! I may be in the mood for pastel pink or bright red. We’ll have to wait and see.

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